
Custom Cottages & Homes 

Your Trusted Partner in Project Management

Do you have a cottage or home building project to complete but don’t know how to get it done, who to hire, where to source material? HOMES & COTTAGES PROJECT MANAGEMENT is a service to guide and manage your construction project. Whether it’s big or small we can assist with getting your cottage or home building project completed. From supplying all the building material to coordinating various trades and labor to complete the project.

We can help you manage


cottage home construction building site management

  • Building orientation
  • Foundation options
  • Septic location


building plans permit application management

We can coordinate architects for building plans and permit applications for your building project.


cottage home building construction project management

We have access to a highly skilled team of tradesman including:

  • Foundation contractors
  • Framers
  • Electricians
  • Plumbers
  • Finishing carpenters
  • Interior & Exterior finishes


landscaping management

We can co-ordinate landscaping stone, delivery and help with finding someone to install on your property.

Have a project in mind?
Lets get started!

Contact Us >

Towns we service in Ontario
Madoc, Marmora, Havelock, Norwood, Tweed, Stirling, Campbellford, Bancroft, L'Amable, Kaladar, Cloyne, Ardoch, St. Ola, Northbrook, Arden
Lakes we service in Ontario
Limerick Lake, Weslemkoon Lake, Steenburg Lake, Dickie Lake, Skootamatta Lake, Mazinaw Lake, Kashawakamak Lake, Big Gull Lake, Kennebec Lake, Crowe Lake, Stoco Lake, Moira Lake, Cashel Lake, Gunter Lake, Mephisto Lake, Jordan Lake, Marble Lake, Ashby Lake, Shabomeka Lake, Wollaston Lake, Wadsworth Lake, Lake of Isles, Sharbot Lake, West Twin Lake, Bull Lake, Wollaston Lake
Contact (613) 961-9261

102349 Highway 7 West,
Marmora, ON
K0K 2M0

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